A exetel promo code is an exclusive discount that offers customers a significant reduction in the initial upfront charges associated with their nbn connection. These charges include things like the Phone Line Activation Fee, Copper Line Installation Charges, Lead-in or Additional Cabling, Equipment Charges (modems, routers, splitters) as well as any complex on site work required to provide a functional broadband service. These upfront costs can add up to a significant amount of money which makes the exetel promo code one of the most valuable discounts that you can get on an nbn connection.
The exetel promo code for the NBN 100 plan is the cheapest on the market and also offers value added features such as maximum typical evening speeds and free speed boost days (provided your connection type supports it). It’s important to note that these advertised speeds are not guaranteed, as they’re just what’s available over your selected link speed.
Unlike other providers, Exetel doesn’t have a lock-in contract, so you can choose to stay with them for as long as you want or leave whenever you like. This is a great feature to have if you’re looking for the ultimate flexibility and freedom with your internet service.
Exetel also provides a range of value added services, including Home Secure which protects every device connected to your home internet and WiFi. This helps to block inappropriate content and keep your family safe online. Their low priced unlimited plans ensure that you never have to worry about data limits or slowing down if you exceed your allowance.
While Exetel is not as big a name as some of Australia’s other telcos, it still offers competitive plans for nbn and mobile with no lock-in contracts. In fact, it used to be Australia’s largest independent nbn provider before merging with Superloop. Exetel also offers a range of small business solutions to help you get more done.
Both Aussie Broadband and Exetel offer a free month on their NBN 50 plans, but the former’s offer is much easier to obtain – just sign up for a plan through their website. Alternatively, you can get a similar deal with SpinTel, which also offers NBN and mobile plans without a lock-in contract.
Exetel’s NBN 50 plan starts at $79 per month and comes with unlimited data and a bonus modem for new customers. While it’s a little more expensive than the competition, both companies have a free month promo running so it may be worth taking advantage of it while it lasts. However, it’s important to remember that the free month promo won’t last forever, so you may need to act quickly if you want to take advantage of this deal. If you’re interested in switching to a new NBN provider, it’s always best to compare your options before making a decision. Then you can pick the best plan for your needs and budget. You can use a free comparison tool like Coupert to find the perfect plan for you.